The empress under the sea

Following the ousting of his old master, the young archaeologist Ellio Viezzi was appointed head of the excavations of Akrotiri on the Greek island of Santorini.
Along with his new assistant Julia Michaelis, he must continue the excavations of the famous site known in the world.
The city of Santorini was destroyed 1500 years before Christ in the explosion of a volcano that engulfed part of the island and that the tsunami destroyed the Cretan civilization.
In this mythical place - flagship of the Mediterranean civilization - they discover diving in an underwater earthquake, a stunningly beautiful statue, a sublime sensuality, on the edge of the pit abysmal ...
But their biggest surprise is the inexplicable result of its carbon-14 dating: The undisputed masterpiece of humanity, more fascinating than all the statues of Michelangelo, of Phidias and Egypt Pharaoh is over 9000 years ...
Long before Moses!
A curse that hounds Ellio Viezzi ...
Like he was fleeing from childhood: Absurd, ridiculous, irrational! A strange fate that brought him back against his will - in addition to his tumultuous love for Julia - to the neurotic obsession of his mother ...
His mother and his thesis "senseless" and refused hated by all academic and scientific bodies.
Yet the analysis of the eyes of the statue with the latest technology of laser atomic Nobel Cornell and Wiemann *, will join the Dawn of the secret mists of time.

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